Digital SAT
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One Stop SAT Prep
Get all your test needs covered by The Hagwon: Vocabulary, Lectures, Drills, Question Bank and more
Digital SAT Practice Tests
Full-length tests mirror College Board’s Bluebook app.
Performance Tracking
Look beyond the score: Understand your strengths and weaknesses
Full-Length Practice Test Under Realistic Conditions
- Fully emulated digital testing interface
- From start to end official test-like sequence
- Added support tools: reference sheets, etc
- Question algorithms set in upper module difficulty
- Desmos calculator feature & built-in timer
- Answer Elimination feature for multiple-choice
- Flag questions for review
Real Educators, Real Learning
Got Questions? We got Answer
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! If you sign up for the monthly free test offered by The Hagwon, you can take a full-length computer-based exam.
Avoid lengthy preparation period, but focus on intensive, concentrated study sessions.
Know Your Scores and Areas of Improvement: Understanding your current score, strengths, and weaknesses is essential.
Learn from Your Mistakes: Simply doing practice tests repeatedly won't guarantee improvement. It's vital to analyze your mistakes thoroughly and learn from them.
Know Your Scores and Areas of Improvement: Understanding your current score, strengths, and weaknesses is essential.
Learn from Your Mistakes: Simply doing practice tests repeatedly won't guarantee improvement. It's vital to analyze your mistakes thoroughly and learn from them.
We offer 6 full-length computer-based tests with video explanations by our instructors on every question.
We take pride that our SAT tests are at, or above, the official tests’ level of difficulty. Further, our platform simulates the official digital test which prepares our students to feel the most confident on the actual testing day.
Although our Digital SAT tests are not adaptive, they have already proven to be effective for students to score in the 99th percentile. Our test creators intentionally distribute and curate each question and test difficulty so that students feel challenged throughout their test preparation.
The Hagwon DSAT Prep offers full-length computer-based tests on a Digital SAT testing platform with our instructors’ video explanations and test strategy suggestions for all of the questions so that our students can deepen their understanding and prepare for the real test.